Friday, March 28, 2014

Siskand inspired work...FOUND Art!

I know I did more than what was required, but I have to admit, I had a blast doing this! I may even add some more over the next week!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


 Fibonacci Ratio
 Full Frame
 Leading Lines
 Rule of Odds
 Show Motion
 Sun Flare

Thursday, February 27, 2014

This is one I have mixed feelings about. I'm not thrilled with this part of my project. I LOVED the alphabets we took in the square during class...this not so much.
I have evidently done something to my camera and wasn't able to shoot with it.  My cell phone didn't do the letters justice, I struggled with lighting and quality.
As for the letters themselves...I wanted to do something that is a large part of our lives and I feel my house is OVER RUN with Lego's. I also wanted my kids to help and asked them to create all the letters. I helped with the D, E, V and the U and you can see how different they are from the rest...oh...wait, the X and Y....My kids are Autistic and see things very very black and white.  it was almost impossible to get them to 'see' letters that weren't simply a letter!
I saw the snake sitting off to the side and decided to throw that in there as something different and it's probably what I liked the best about it.
The letters make me a little sad on one hand but on the other hand I know that the other parts of my boys are simply brilliant!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Portraiture Assignment

Casey and I didn't have the most enjoyable of shoots...due to the 18 degree weather, it made loosening up and having some fun a bit difficult.
I also really had to struggle with my new camera that I am not at all comfortable with.  Many of the pics came out so dark I had to lighten them later and lost quality.
Out of these, I like two the best.  The last photo was the most 'like' her in my eyes.
She's always apologizing...and she's busy with her hands, this really captured that for me.
The other I love is the laugh we caught after the horse was making funny faces. It wasn't posed...I caught a glimpse of what could be a more carefree Casey!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Selfie Assignment

This was originally a test shot. I was trying some different things out and for the past two days, I just kept going back to it.
For me this shows what I hear.  I'm organized, got everything together. There are pics of my family in the back ground, some of my favorite books.
But you can't see all of me and you can't see it very clearly.
I think, because of certain circumstances around me that people see what they want to see.
Also in this picture is a photograph that I love, it's one of my favorite shots of my son and his father walking him to school on the very first day. 

This is my life.  I'm drowning in laundry, dishes and children. Even dogs.  I am overwhelmed.
The things I have to deal with in my life come at me from every single angle.
The poster behind me explains what I am hoping for...but...I am overwhelmed. Every day.  Even the boxes in this photo are a constant reminder that I can't put my new desk and chair together to use because the new floor isn't done in my my house is just a wreck of construction work.
The other thing I liked about this photo...though it was was late afternoon and I have one light in this particular room and so it was almost too dark.  I opened part of a curtain.  It let in a TON of light...making the light seem harsh to me.  For what I was showing...the harsh light worked for me. 
These are the parts most don't want to see because it makes them uncomfortable.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I first chose Francisco de Goya.  (March 30, 1746 - April 16, 1828)
One of the reasons I liked this to begin with is that it's a painting of himself painting but I then noticed that it took him 5 YEARS to complete this painting and what a contrast to the selfie of today.  He's dressed well in his top-hat and matching clothes and seems to want the viewer to find him well put together.

I then found this fantastic self portrait of Gustave Courbet. (June 10, 1819 - December 31, 1877) What jumped out at me was of course, the expression. It seemed quite different from other self portraits and seemed to show a quirky and fun side to him.  If it wasn't for his rosy cheeks you might find him slightly crazy looking in the painting.  I would imagine him to be one that thinks he's quite a good looking man as his features are near perfect in this painting. 

I like this guy....Joseph Ducreux...(June 26, 1735 – July 24, 1802)  Joe was a french portrait painter, and he had a bit of a passion for facial expression that was outside of the norm.  Consider that this painting was done in 1783!  If he's looking to show others what I THINK he wants them to's simply something different than the same old boring portrait! I would imagine this man has a good sense of humor. He wanted to show that facial features did in the subjects' personality.

 Now for the modern selfie! For years I have abhorred the amount of selfies that I have seen. I recall loaning my husband's personal cell phone to his sister for a couple weeks while she was in need.  What I got back was a phone with literally hundreds of selfies. The same two looks on her face in every...single...shot.  It took me over 30 minutes to delete them.  The crazy thing is that this phone wasn't connected to Facebook, she was 27 and not 16.  I consider that to be someone taking the selfies for narcissistic reasons; she simply likes looking at pictures of herself.  Then, there are those who post them to the various social media sites.  The why's for me are not as simple as just wanting to see yourself...but a few different reasons:
  • looking for validation
  • narcissism to an extent
  • one word: filters
  • they feel it's a picture that captures in themselves what they want others to see for
  • people get to choose HOW they are viewed
  • And just look damn good today
I can't complain about it too much, about a year ago, after looking through facebook I realized I had almost no pictures of myself. Comes with the territory when the camera is always in your hands, so I have taken the dreaded selfie, I even took one with my new horse and titled it as our 'first selfie'...see?

At the end of the day, the 'selfie' seems to be  harmless but I have definitely gone Bruce Lee on my 10 year old niece for the duck face selfie.....

Dallas Skyline

I took this on the way home from working dogs and did it on the highway, through the windshield as I was driving...with my camera phone. Totally lucky shot, but I LOVE it!