Thursday, February 27, 2014

This is one I have mixed feelings about. I'm not thrilled with this part of my project. I LOVED the alphabets we took in the square during class...this not so much.
I have evidently done something to my camera and wasn't able to shoot with it.  My cell phone didn't do the letters justice, I struggled with lighting and quality.
As for the letters themselves...I wanted to do something that is a large part of our lives and I feel my house is OVER RUN with Lego's. I also wanted my kids to help and asked them to create all the letters. I helped with the D, E, V and the U and you can see how different they are from the rest...oh...wait, the X and Y....My kids are Autistic and see things very very black and white.  it was almost impossible to get them to 'see' letters that weren't simply a letter!
I saw the snake sitting off to the side and decided to throw that in there as something different and it's probably what I liked the best about it.
The letters make me a little sad on one hand but on the other hand I know that the other parts of my boys are simply brilliant!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Portraiture Assignment

Casey and I didn't have the most enjoyable of shoots...due to the 18 degree weather, it made loosening up and having some fun a bit difficult.
I also really had to struggle with my new camera that I am not at all comfortable with.  Many of the pics came out so dark I had to lighten them later and lost quality.
Out of these, I like two the best.  The last photo was the most 'like' her in my eyes.
She's always apologizing...and she's busy with her hands, this really captured that for me.
The other I love is the laugh we caught after the horse was making funny faces. It wasn't posed...I caught a glimpse of what could be a more carefree Casey!